Join us for Penn State Night with the Philadelphia Union as they play the Chicago Fire! Sunday, August 16th PHILADELPHIA UNION V. CHICAGO FIRE PPL Park @ 7:00PM $5 from every ticket sold goes to Penn State Scholarships Fund in memory of Mack. ENDLINE $25 EAST SIDELINE $35 To purchase as an individual […]
Philadelphia Union
4 posts
What a great weekend we had! So many people came to the tailgate and over 100 people bought tickets using the promo code #PENNSTATE14! That means we had over $500 to a general scholarship in memory of Mack and nearly $300 was raised for the Mack Brady Soccer Fund! To […]
We are still working out the details, but mark you calendars now! August 8th, 7 pm – An Evening with Penn State Athletics – Join Penn State coaches from a variety of sports and Union coaches and players too! The event will be held at The Union Club, PPL Park. August 9th, […]