Remembering Mack and supporting Penn State Men's Soccer
Remembering Mack and supporting Penn State Men's Soccer

9th Annual Mack Brady Match in Review

The B1G home opener and the 9th Annual Mack Brady Match against Northwestern was on Friday, September 17 and the team is now 6-1-2 in Mack Matches after their 2-1 victory over NW!

We want to thank the State College Celtics for hosting a wonderful pre-game tailgate, Bree and Aaron with Penn State Athletics and PSU Men’s Soccer for the amazing hospitality and continuing to keep Mack’s dream alive and celebrating his life with us. We also honored Dan Sheerin by reading his poem “Mack Brady Keepers” at the half.

Game Recap and Collegian Coverage

Be sure to click on the images to see them full size!

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