We are so thankful for Penn State Soccer. They were with us from the very beginning, helping Mack’s buddies through their loss by putting on an impromptu clinic just weeks after Mack died. They continue the tradition this year with the 13th Annual Clinic. Please come and join us! Elizabeth […]
Penn State Men’s and Women’s Soccer Teams will again be offering the free Mack Brady Soccer Clinic for pr-K to 8th grade children. It will be help on January 8, 2023 from 2:30-4:00 pm in Holuba Hall on the University Park campus. Details on the PSU Sports site and below. […]
Venue Change! The Clinic will now be inside Holuba Hall on Penn State’s campus. The time remains 4 pm and we look forward to seeing you there! Get all the details and registration forms at the announcement on the Penn State Men’s Soccer page. There is no online registration and […]
The 9th Annual Mack Brady Memorial Clinic was a great success! Elizabeth, Izzy, and I cannot thank our panelists enough for their gracious gift of time and their wonderful humor and candor in sharing about their journeys through youth soccer (play more than one sport!), tips about training at home, […]
While we cannot meet in person, we will not miss our Annual Mack Brady Clinic! Even in this odd year, the Goalkeeper Union comes through to provide another clinic for aspiring keepers! It will be virtual, of course, but mark your calendars for January 17, 2021 and register now! The […]
The 8th Annual Mack Brady Memorial Soccer Clinic will be from 2:30 to 4:00 pm on Sunday January 12th, 2020. The clinic is free of charge and open to children 16 and under, but all participants are required to fill out and bring with them two forms: the Consent for Treatment […]
Thank you all for the wonderful clinic! We had over 120 kids in attendance, the Penn State Coaches and players were AWESOME (as always), and it was a wonderful celebration of Mack’s life and the sport he loved! Happy 15th Birthday Mack! 🍀
I hardly remember any details from those days after Mack died. The world continued to move, a new year had come in, yet everything had changed for us. Suddenly we had to cope with all sorts of things parents never imagine they need to deal with. My brother came to […]
Join us for the 7th Annual Mack Brady Memorial Soccer Clinic with Penn State Men’s Soccer! January 6th, 2-3:30 pm, in Holuba Hall on Penn State’s University Park campus. It is a FREE clinic and all that will be needed is for children to bring their own ball and parents […]
The 6th Annual Mack Brady Soccer Clinic will be in Holulba Hall on Penn State’s University Park Campus January 7, 2018, time 2:00-3:30 pm. Please come join us! The Penn State Men’s Soccer Team and coaches will run the camp with special goalkeeper training and the annual drawing of two […]
UPDATE: Please download, fill out, and bring this form with you to the clinic! Medical Release Form Don’t forget to bring a ball as well! The 5th Annual Mack Brady Soccer Clinic will be in Holulba Hall on Penn State’s University Park Campus January 8, 2017 from 2:30-4 pm. Please come […]
Thank you to everyone who attended and made this such a wonderful event! A special thank you goes to former DC United goalie and owner of GK Icon USA Mike Amman! Of course none of it was possible without our Penn State Coaches Bob Warming, Mike Behonick (also a DCU […]
Today is the Third Annual Mack Brady Soccer Clinic sponsored by Penn State Men’s and Women’s Soccer. That means that we have passed the second anniversary of Mack’s passing and his 11th birthday. We have been so very grateful for the incredible love and support that we have received. Most […]