How long did Colin wear your shoesHow many miles walked, balls kicked, goals scoredIn your shoes?The soles came off before he gave them up. Who got your bike, new that Christmas?Did they ride it for days, up and down their streetOr hardly at allBecause it was always yours? She keeps […]
Elizabeth and I were on the The International Day of Hope and Healing after Loss online conference sponsored by Open To Hope. They have posted our portion of the day-long conference as a separate clip.
Elizabeth and I were honored to be panelists on the Open To Hope “International Day of Hope & Healing After Loss Conference” which is now available on YouTube. It is a rich and diverse group of panelists and the conference was nearly 8 hours long! You can jump to 1:52 […]
My back was sore as I scrambled off the floor and the pile of wrapped presents to slide onto the couch and pick up my glass of port. I stretched and observed to Elizabeth that it has been a really challenging fall. There were three main challenges that I had […]
A few weeks ago I had the honor of being interviewed about Beautiful and Terrible Things by Shelley Craig for the Faith and Grief Podcast. The less than stellar audio quality was my fault, I was recording from my iPad via Zoom (so sometimes it would speed up/slow down). It […]
We were so honored to be invited on Open To Hope’s Conversations: The Podcast. It was a wonderful chance to talk about Mack, grieving, and finding hope.
An essay from Elizabeth recently posted on It has been six and a half years since our son, Mack, died suddenly on New Year’s Eve 2012, just shy of his ninth birthday. As the many of us who learn to live newly after loss, we take it on as […]
We did not know Coach Bahr, not really. In fact, when he first came into our lives, we didn’t know him at all. We were at the funeral home for the Mack’s viewing. Glenn, the funeral home director, came forward and asked if we minded if “Coach Bahr” could come […]
Sharing a short reflection from the exciting Mack Brady Match last weekend for the monthly Learning to Live column in The Centre Daily Times. For those who are learning to live again after loss there are great resources and people to share the journey at BY ELIZABETH BRADY SEPTEMBER […]
We are so grateful for the wonderful and sensitive retelling of Mack’s story and how soccer has been a part of our joy and healing. Bill Littlefield, Karen Given, and Alexander Schroeder were wonderful to work with and Bill, as always, provided his warmth to the story. It is a […]
A reflection on Holy Saturday It is Holy Saturday, the gap between death and resurrection, the gap in which those of us who have lost loved ones live. I have been reading this morning of other mothers who have survived, literally “live beyond” the deaths of their own children. Women like Jennifer […]
Last night we had the great blessing of four of Mack’s friends participating in “State of the Story.” This particular night was part of our “Learning to Live” initiative and the Ryan, Mike, Quinn, and Colin shared their memories of Mack. They were kind enough to also allow me to […]
My latest essay “Sit Still and Uncover Your Eyes” was posted today on Modern Loss, a website dedicated to “candid conversations about grief.” Modern Loss was included in a New York Time’s piece “An online generation redefines mourning’’ by Hannah Seligson that reflects on the new era of public grief via […]
This is the lecture I gave for the 20th Annual Mark Luchinsky Lecture in the Schreyer Honors College, Penn State University. The video is below, but here are my scripted remarks, I departed occasionally from them, but the core concepts are here. From the opening remarks: Tonight we recognize the anniversary […]