Remembering Mack and supporting Penn State Men's Soccer
Remembering Mack and supporting Penn State Men's Soccer

What a result! PSU beats OSU 1-0 and thousands show their support!

We cannot thank everyone enough. What a wonderful day, including the rain, to celebrate Mack’s life and passion and support our Boys in Blue. Below are links to the various news stories and the video recap of the game. (And all news stories about Mack and the Fund can be found on the “News” page of this site.)

The day began beautifully with close to 100 children taking part in the Soccer Shots clinic donated by Eric Wales, close to 200 people enjoying the BBQ and food brought by the parents of our current Penn State Men’s Soccer team, and over 2,000 game to watch our Penn State Men defeat Ohio State in a grinding 1-0 victory. The goal was scored by Kyle McDonald, his second of his Penn State career and his second in a Mack Brady game!

Elizabeth, Izzy, and I are so grateful for the support that everyone continues to have for Mack, us, and this program.

Thank you all!

UPDATE: More than $3300 was raised yesterday for the Mack Brady Soccer Fund! Thank you all so much!

2014 Men v. Ohio State – 1-0 PSU Win!

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