Remembering Mack and supporting Penn State Men's Soccer
Remembering Mack and supporting Penn State Men's Soccer

Adventure Night at Park Forest Elementary

Thank you to the hundreds who came to the event. What a night! Over $4400 was raised for the teepee. It was a fun and wonderful night, thank you. There is also this very nice review of the event in

June 7th from 6-8:30 pm there will be an “Adventure Night” at Mack’s elementary school to raise money for the teepee play-set being erected in memory of Mack. The flyer is below.

Adventure Night – Teepee Flyer

Teepee Flyer

There have been a few stories about the teepee in the local papers. This one from is wonderful, with very nice quotes from two of Mack’s closest friends. “‘Mack’s Teepee’ a Fitting Tribute to Former Classmate.” And this one is from the CDT.

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