One of the spiritual dynamics of death that is hard to describe in daily, polite conversation is the continued love, presence and spirit of the loved one if we’re willing to acknowledge them and our inner lives. My latest essay for Open to Hope posted October 10 speaks to this […]
We cannot thank everyone enough. What a wonderful day, including the rain, to celebrate Mack’s life and passion and support our Boys in Blue. Below are links to the various news stories and the video recap of the game. (And all news stories about Mack and the Fund can be […]
We are one week away from the Annual Mack Brady Game with Penn State’s Men’s Soccer program! This year it will be on September 21st at 1 pm against Ohio State University. We have some special events planned before and after the game. Please feel free to share the attached […]
What a great weekend we had! So many people came to the tailgate and over 100 people bought tickets using the promo code #PENNSTATE14! That means we had over $500 to a general scholarship in memory of Mack and nearly $300 was raised for the Mack Brady Soccer Fund! To […]
Penn State News ran a nice piece about Mack’s fund and the beginning of Penn State as “Goalkeeper U”! Dream of young boy turning Penn State into ‘Goalkeeper U’ Penn State coaches come together in Philadelphia to celebrate and support Mack Brady Penn State Men’s Soccer Fund When Mack […]
Join us for Penn State Night with the Philadelphia Union on August 9th! Use the code “PENNSTATE14” and receive a discount and $5 from each ticket will go to Penn State’s general scholarship fund in memory of Mack. We will be tailgating starting at 5! Join us!
I shared some thoughts on Lamentations over at Targuman. Lam. 3:21-24 But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “The LORD is my portion,” […]
We always light a candle for Mack in the various churches we visit. Today we each lit a candle at Michaelerkirche circa 1217. The ancient church was a hub of activity today; you can see a guy carrying a ladder in the background of the photo, he climbed up to change […]
Penn Stater alumnus and father of PSU Keeper Danny Sheerin, Daniel Sheerin shared this story from on Facebook. It is a wonderful story about US Soccer legend Walter Bahr. He began Penn State Men’s Soccer coach kn later years after Bill Jeffrey, US national coach and the one for whom […]
When I was finishing high school and in my first year of college I went through some difficult times. I was melancholy, moody, in short, depressed. In the midst of that a well-meaning friend gave me a book Happiness is a Choice. I still have it on my shelf. The […]
This Lent I have been using the Magnificat app on my phone. I appreciated this reflection from Pope Benedict XVI: Holy Saturday is the day of the ‘death of God,’ the day which expresses the unparalleled experience of our age, anticipating the fact that God is simply absent, that the […]
Over on my blog I have been reflecting on how time passes in such odd ways. Today is Mack’s 10th birthday. He died just two weeks shy of his 9th, but they were 9 incredible, blessed years and we are thankful for them. Today our students are having the 2nd […]
Next Sunday, January 12th Penn State Soccer will be putting on the Second Annual Mack Brady Youth Clinic for K-8 boys and girls. Players from the PSU men’s team will be present and it should be a great event. 4:30 in Holuba Hall at Penn State’s University Park Campus. FREE […]